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Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs project

Project number: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000033038
Project Duration: 28.02.2022 – 27.06.2024

About the project

Entrepreneurs are an important pillar of the EU economy, and it is essential to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. B-ECO would not only train them in important competencies and skills (based on EntreComp), and tools but also with the ability to become innovative and to stand out in the market instead of drowning on it. According to the EC: “By supporting new processes, technologies and services that make business greener, eco-innovation helps Europe optimise its growth potential while addressing our common challenges.” Through the guide of experts in this area, our partners will contribute with their wide experience finding best practices, case studies, lessons learnt and future opportunities. During the project, we will deliver training and practical managerial education among training providers from partner’s countries through an innovative training focused on eco-entrepreneurship, innovation and management on eco-businesses, and a new and innovative e-learning platform oriented to create a unique space of shared knowledge and experiences between course users. This innovative training course will function in both ways, to be delivered by trainers & independently as online course to help us reach the highest possible quantity of users. Our strategic partnership will focus on promoting access and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER), supporting ICT in VET field to improve and extend the offer of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to individual trainers by including innovative ways of delivery.[;]
